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8bitMUSH Fan Page! !! !
Hi, you probably know of a mush called 8bitMUSH. It's really cool but you already knew that didnt you?
Reasons Why 8bitMUSH Is So Good
- Luigi
- Finished Projects -- Asia Town is AMAZING
- Great minds congregate on <Public> -- pols, kyol, jacobis and sass
- Loving support will heal your hurt feelings
- Read 8bit Times with the latest gossip!
- Strike it rich with Beak Week at the right time
- Incredible artificial inteligence
- Try out your best racist jokes
- Spend valuable time de-escalating a suicidal player
- Lose all hope of winning trivia
- Experience top of the line sexism
- Waste away as all your hard work is seen by players that stay in the same place forever
- Top notch art programs to create wonderful art
- Kid-Friendly! Even King Luigi entrusts the care of his children to 8bitMUSH
- Get lost in player-made areas
- Cruel and unusual punishments are always deserved
- Too many browns in the palette
- Spam is a thing of the past
- Cim City Library filled with quality books
- Channel dedicated to show other's you've typed a global so they can type it too.
- Enjoy an immutable friendship with Toobis
- <Public> channel is filled with genuine laughter
- Immitate SpamBot and pretend you miss old players
- Genuine discussion 24/7
- Easy to learn in-game programming language
- We understand when you can't make it to the Gatherings because not everyone can
- Darts will keep MU* criminals at bay
- Only the best puzzles are recognized
- Toobis' laughter
- Play one of Cim's many boardgames, all of which the rules are clear right from the start
- Luigi will remind you of the joke he made last week
- All of your favourite players all chat solely in the confines of the MUSH
- Half of the player base doesn't troll you.
- Get mistaken for an experienced player
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